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The next level of mobility: automation, multimodal services and the role of data


Shortly before the last VaVel meeting in Dortmund, the workshop "The next level of mobility: automation, multimodal services and the role of data" of the CPS.hub NRW, which was organized together with Katharina Morik (TU Dortmund),  took place. Among the speakers were the VaVel Members: , Dimitrios Gunopulos (University of Athens) and Thomas Liebig (TU Dortmund)

The conference "The next level of mobility: automation, multimodal services and the role of data" focused on the effects of smart technologies for data evaluation, the extent to which they can change mobility, e.g. in conurbations, and what a meaningful data collection and evaluation that takes privacy into account can look like.

Digitisation is leading to a far-reaching transformation of mobility for people and goods. Digital technologies are used for information, planning, use and control of means of transport, transport infrastructures and traffic flows.

However, many essential questions - technical, security and data protection, social and ethical - are still open. These must be formulated, discussed and answered in order to create a solid, responsible basis for the implementation of automated mobility.

The conference was opened with a greeting by Prof. Dr. Katharina Morik (member of VaVel and Acatech).

An exciting programme was presented to the audience: With Prof. Dr. Fosca Gianotti (KDD Lab, Pisa) and Prof. Dr. Dimitrios Gunopulos (University of Athens) two renowned international experts were won as speakers.

Prof. Gianotti discussed how privacy-by-design approaches and user-centered data analysis can contribute to the protection of privacy.

Prof. Gunopulos gave insights into practice and reports on how data obtained from surveillance cameras, cameras on vehicles, sensors for measuring weather and environmental influences can be used to gain insights into road traffic disturbances.

Further keynote speakers and speakers were Dr. Tobias Hesse, DLR, Dr. Thomas Liebig from the TU Dortmund and VaVel, Thomas von Schwartzenberg from adesso AG, and Tim Ontrup from Geomobile GmbH.

Prof Luckner and Dr Legierski presented in a poster session their recent work on analytics of Public Transport and Mobile Data in Urban Area.

Keynote speakers:

Automatisiert, informiert und kooperativ: Die Zukunft der Mobilität.

(engl. translation: "Automated, informed and cooperative: The future of Mobilität")

Dr. Tobias Hesse, DLR, Institute of Transportation Systems

Data privacy @ privacy-by-design, risk assessment

Prof. Dr. Fosca Giannotti, KDD Lab, Pisa

Wie können Mobilitätsdaten zur prädiktiven Verkehrslenkung genutzt werden?

(engl. translation: "How can mobility data be used for predictive traffic control?")

Dr. Thomas Liebig, TU Dortmund, Computer Science VIII, Artificial Intelligence Unit & VaVel Project


InVerSiV: Intelligente Verkehrsinfrastruktur für sicheres vernetztes Fahren in der Megacity

(engl. Translation: "InVerSiV: Intelligent transport infrastructure für safe networked driving in the megacity")

Thomas von Schwartzenberg, adesso AG

Accessible Urban Mobility: IoT for trams, buses and station buildings

Tim Ontrup, geomobile GmbH

Lessons from the VaVeL project: how data can shape the future of mobility in urban areas

Prof. Dr. Dimitrios Gunopulos, University of Athens & VaVel Project


Analytics of Public Transport and Mobile Data in Urban Area

Jarosław Legierski, Orange Labs & VaVeL Project

Marcin Luckner, Warsaw University of Technology & VaVeL Project


Organizer: CPS.HUB NRW; Division Smart Data & Data Analytics

Event venue: Lensing Carrée Dortmund; Silberstraße 21; 44137 Dortmund, Germany

Date: 28 May 2018; 13:00 - 18:00 o'clock
